Thursday, October 4, 2012

Debate Viewer Advice

I am decidedly NOT a fan of watching presidential debates. I get tired of the way candidates (from both parties) shift nearly every question back to their own talking points and ignore the moderator. Some of that was evident last evening. Despite my aversion to these debates, I did mange to watch about 70 minutes worth on Wednesday evening.
So, here's the advice. If you plan on watching the next two presidential and/or the vice-presidential debate please form your own opinion on the outcome. When the debate is over, TURN OFF THE TV! Pundits and so-called experts will analyze everything down to the last participle of speech and try to tell you who won or who lost. Don't listen to them. For the remainder of the campaign form your own opinions based on the content of each candidate's platform and plans - not on emotion, news-guy spin or sound bytes.

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