Monday, October 22, 2012

Blessed are the poor...

In Luke's version of the beatitudes, he states them a little differently than Matthew. Instead of saying "blessed are the poor in spirit" he just says "blessed are the poor". The conclusion to his version has the "woe to's", where he admonishes those with wealth by saying things like "Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation" (Lk 6:24). Sayings like this to the people of his time were shocking because the prevailing belief was that the rich were blessed by God and the poor were cursed. If you read all of Luke's Gospel, indeed if you all of what Jesus said in his lifetime, you learn that the poor do have a special place in his heart.
Which brings me to today. In our town (Sioux Falls) our City Council recently passed an ordinance against the panhandling of people in motor vehicles. This seems to be aimed at those persons who stand near Interstate exit ramps holding their cardboard signs. I see those people often as I exit I29 at 26th Street and I usually do not give them anything. Sometimes I even get a little disgusted with the whole situation, but in the end I appreciate the reminder. Those people serve to remind me (and all who see them) that there is a poverty / homelessness problem in our city. We who live away from the center of the city don't always realize that there are hungry, homeless, impoverished people in our own town. This type of "in your face" image reminds me to call the Banquet and get on the calendar to serve a meal, to take my unused clothing to the St Vincent de Paul Store and to say a prayer of thanksgiving for all of the ways God has blessed me and my family. Without those "exit beggars" who will remind us?
I know the City Council will defend their actions as a safety issue and maybe there is something to that. But I suspect that the underlying reason for the ordinance is the complaints from people who just don't like the reminder and would rather not have to think about Jesus blessed friends - the poor.
"If you oppress poor people, you insult the God who made them; but kindness shown to the poor is an act of worship" Proverbs 14:31

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