As the frivolity and (often) insanity of this evening looms I am pressed to consider what is different about my life from New Year's Eve one year ago. Although I am a sinful person, often flawed in horrific ways, I can see a few positive lights from 2012:
- I seem to be more keenly aware of my own sin. I do get to "confession" more often.
- I am more reflective and habitually "examen" (for St Ignatius fans) my day.
- Even though I get myself involved in many more "social justice" causes I am keenly aware of my inability to solve these problems.
- My study of the 2nd Vatican Council has opened my eyes and my mind to the great hope and possibilities that lie ahead if we only read and follow the Documents.
- I am much better at living life one day at a time instead of by weeks, months or seasons.
- Be better at keeping a journal - I have started and stopped this process so many times it's embarrassing.
- Always be reading at least one book for recreation and enjoyment.
- Become more "quiet". I love the silence of early mornings, of empty chapels, and of deserted parks - "in the silence, God speaks".
- To respect the way God created me (diabetic) and to live my life in obedience to that nature.
- To listen.