Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Are you a contender?

In Genesis 32:23-33 we hear of  Jacob's "match" with the Lord. The text says that they wrestled until the break of dawn. When the divine being saw that it could not prevail it struck Jacob's hip so that the hip socket was wrenched. When it was all over Jacob was given a new name by God - "Israel", because he had contended with and prevailed over both divine and human beings.
As I have read commentaries on these verses I have learned that not all the "scholars" are in agreement on whether or not this was an actual event or just a story. For me, I think both are true. Jacob likely did have a divine altercation because that seemed to be his way. He was always scheming to make things come out for him as in his theft of the paternal blessing from Esau. But the story also has great allegorical value. Which of us has not contended (wrestled) with God? What shall I do with my life? How shall I best serve God and others? With whom shall I spend my life? Where shall I go? Or should I stay? All of these big questions and countless others often put us in a "wrestling match" with God. Should I do what I want? Should I take a different path - one that is more difficult but seems to be where God is calling me?
In my own life, mostly over the past few years, I have contented with God. Should I be a Deacon? That question took me six years to answer in the affirmative. As I look back, I see that God was patiently waiting for me, persistently calling me. Should I leave my job and work full time for the Catholic Church? Maybe when I'm 60 or 65 was the answer I usually gave to that question. But the nagging response I received from God was "Why wait? Why not give me and the Church some of the youth you have left?" So I did. Then it was suggested that I visit the kids at the Juvenile Detention Center. No ministers were going out there on a regular basis but I felt wholly inadequate and ill suited to the work. After him-hawing around for several weeks I gave it a try. I've been visiting kids there now for almost four years and found great blessings in the ministry.
What about you? Have you, are you, wrestling with God? Submit and see what God has in store for you. You won't look back. You won't regret it.

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