Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Advocate

According to the dictionary, an advocate is "one who promotes, defends, and supports the interests of another". It's easy to see an advocate at work in the court system. A lawyer or court appointed person defends, supports and promotes the interests of their client. This person advises and recommends the client based on a sound legal position.
In John's Gospel (16: 5-11), Jesus tells His disciples that is better that He goes so the Advocate can come in His place. What an unbelievable statement! Which of the disciples would have believed that their could be anyone who could take Jesus' place. But that Advocate is the One who leads, guides, and supports the Church today. That Advocate is the same Spirit that emboldened the Apostles and others on Pentecost Sunday. That Advocate is the One who bolstered up Paul as he preached all across Asia Minor, oftentimes being rejected, beaten, and even stoned by the people.
And that Advocate is the same Spirit that works in each of us today. It's easy to sit around and find fault with the world, with our country, with our Church, etc. But we have in us the means, indeed the power, to bring about change. Christians MUST rely on the Advocate as they go about their day witnessing to the truth of Jesus Christ in love. Otherwise we are the noisy cymbals and the clanging gongs.
It would be foolish for an accused man to speak for himself in court. He could only hurt his case and destroy the efforts of his advocate.  It is foolish for us to think that we can affect any change in the world by our own efforts. Today, pray "Come Holy Spirit" and then rely on the Advocate of Father and Son to lead, guide and promote your words and actions.

"Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."

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