Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Today is the Feast Day of St James, Apostle of Jesus Christ and brother to St John the Evangelist. St James had the honor of being in Jesus' inner circle. When Jesus went to heal the daughter of Jairus, when he went to be transfigured at Mt Tabor and when he prayed at Gethsamane, James (along with Peter and John) was invited to come along. James must have had a persona (a "son of thunder") that Jesus liked and respected. According to the 12th Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, James was killed by King Herod making him the first of the Apostles to suffer martyrdom. As with most early saints there are many legends and half-truths told about James that might be true. I prefer to believe in what is KNOWN about James - that he was a brave and loyal servant of his master, Jesus Christ and that he was willing to give his very life for the glory of God. St James, pray for us.

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