Thursday, August 23, 2012

Your assistance please...

On October 11th, our Church celebrates the 50th anniversary of the convening of the Second Vatican Council. For our time, this was the MOST significant event in Church governance. I will be doing a presentation beginning Thursday, October 11th at St Michael Parish in Sioux Falls covering the Council. Here is where I NEED your help. What is your perception of what happened at the Council? What questions do you have about it? PLEASE use the "Comment" Section of this post to let me know what YOU would like to see covered at a presentation on Vatican 2. Your help can assist me in shaping a presentation that is relevant to those who attend.



  1. I'd like to know what prompted the Bishops to convene. And how long did they prepare for the council.

  2. Were all the changes that happened after Vatican II what the Council Fathers had hoped for?

  3. John...tried to respond yesterday and must have done something wrong...maybe not user friendly? I had commented on telling the 'spirit' of the 2VC...why JXXIII called it and the like...maybe some 'background' on him (a Vatican Ambassador to Non-Christian nations). The 'highlights' from the documents and the changes the Council brought about and the importance of celebrating the 50th. You might also point out how some or many want to 'role back' the renewal brought about by the 2VC. Happy to visit more...we need to cellebrate, commemorate and educate!
